Sunday, June 14, 2009

*Peace Be Upon You*

Dear Readers,

When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow...
You may succeed with another blow,
Success is failure turned inside out..
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit!
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.



May Allah swt hear my resilient, silence and every prayers,
Insya Allah~

sweet revengeful scorpio unravelled @ 4:09 PM

Monday, May 11, 2009

*Peace Be Upon You*

Dear Reader,
It's been almost close to a year now since my last entry! Whatever had happpen.. Well I guess too many i should say! When 2008 marks it's end and 2009 came by, I should say for the past 10 months or so, to many good, bad, happy and sad things had happen. But with all those short comings and joy, all teaches me something so valuable and vulnerable.

What made me decide to blog today is simply because at this present moment, I'm still stucked in the office and I had some time to spare for myself. And mind you, this opportunity doesn't come often infact rarely! So i'm just taking this time out to think and reminise.
Late last year, I concluded and made up my mind to diss-ed a friend in which i'm so freaking proud of myself for doing so. If u guys might wonder who and why i did that, I guess I'm sick and tired already of that idiot's issue, thus i let it ALL go... To love is to let go as some had told me before, but i'm letting him go because there's no more love to spare. I concluded, I ended, I gave up and I'm a happier me now. Praises to Allah for giving me the courage and strength to do so. Does it hurt? I'll be lying if i say it didn't, but again, this is only for the better of me, him and everyone elses. It does get outta hand at some point of this mess, it does made me go head over heels, and a bad rage of anger strucked badly on me while dealing with it! But it all ended with prayers coz i'm just glad it's all over. I leave it up to HIM for all the trials and tribulations. Next I also severe my friendship with my 'so call gurlfren'. Why?! Again, it was a yesterday's topic and to rake up means it's a never ending cork & bull story! Well guys, if you have a friend, would you in any right state of mind do or say anything to hurt your other gurlfrens? And to make matter worst, you bitched about your 'friend' amongst the same strong click? Do u think this remedy work? Have you ever consider the consequences behind all those back bitting bitching? So I guess YOU, me and ALL of us learn something so vulnerable now aite... Never do this to a friend that loves and care for your as truly as they can be coz it will end up making you hurt yourself more. And free yourself from any jealousy or anxiety coz that's a spread for devil to dish in. I'm sorry, you guys are all history. I thank you guys both coz you teach me the whole new meaning of friendship.
2009 didn't make a great spectacular entrance. In the early part of 2009, I've lost my beloved uncle. He's one of the many uncles that had contributed in my life's upbringing. He's one of the uncle(s) that stood by me and my family! What i'll always remember about my late Uncle Rahman was his endless jokes and his free-spirited self that makes us very comfortable with him. I thanked the Almighty for granting me an opportunity to contribute some deeds before he passed on. I've always wish I could do more to help but I guess my time was limited to just that. ONLY that infact.
A month later, me and my whole entire family was all busy getting ready to go for our much awaited family holiday. Dad wanted us to go holidays together as this will be his last free flight benefits given by his company for him, mummy & lil triplets. As for me and my brother's family, our flight fare was fully paid by dad! Thank you Papa & Mummy! Amidst this happiness, we felt a slight sober as we've just lost our dear uncle and my deart aunt was also critically ill. The day before we left, we spent the entire day at her place, her fully renovated home which was why she was eager to be at her new home. Mom was sceptical about this trip as she was worried for my aunt, but she and dad sacrifices all this for the sake of their children. (I'm getting all tear up as i'm typing this down! gosh!)
The very day we landed in Swiss, after a phone call to my aunt, about an hour later, we've received another phonecall from our uncle that she's passed on. God knows how we felt upon hearing the news. Mum was the most affected, dad trying to stay calm but i guess all of us just broke down when we gather to pray and recites prayers to the deceased. As much as my parents wanting to get back home, again, they stayed for the sake of their children and their beloved grand daughter. Also because, my bro had already checked for the next flight out from Zurich to SG, it was the following day afternoon and by the time they got back, it will be in 2 days later. We continue our holidays with tears, smile and laughter. Sweet memories. Sad memories. Everything. I'm definately going to miss my late Aunt J too. She was a lady that i've always look up too and she was a lady that i've always envy. Her love and dedication towards her family was endless and thou she's no longer alive, her spirit and practices will continue, inysa allah. I miss you Aunt J.
While I was in Paris, besties texted me informing me that my dear friend and a trusted brother met with a bad accident while on track race and the following day, besties & some friends texted me to say that he's passed on too. If I could pen down the feeling, I would, but i was just speechless. My heart not only sank, it sunk real bad that it just stop beating for a moment. I miss my dear pal Feroz. I miss his zanny-ness. So the moment we touched down, went back home to wash up and left the luggage, we straight away went to visit my late aunt, uncle and fren's grave. As someone who's born with faith despite having so much flaws and all, i guess the only thing i could do now is to keep all of them close to my every prayers and their spirit will always stay alive in me. Amin..
With all that also, this year is a year full of blessing and I can only thanked Allah swt, my family and closest friends for their endless love, trust, support and motivation. I am smiling for who I am today. I shed tear coz I was one step closer than I was yesterday. Syukur Alhamdulillah. My only hope for now is to make my parents happy and to give them as much as I could as it's high time that I anchor the ship.. Insya Allah... Ya Allah, Grant me the strength and the facilities to accommodate to my parent's, my own and family's needs. Grant me the wisdom that you've always instilled, Grant me the time for me to lead and re-pay back all kindness to all human beings especially my parents, Grant me the best of health and wealth that you've forsee, Lead me to the pillars of well being, Lead me to the path you've preceded for me, Lead me, my family and my friends to a journey where only you can see, Bless me with sanity, Bless me unconditional love, Bless me with a heart of sincerity and free from hypocrisy and anxiety, Bless me with good future and trust worthy friends that could mould our future together and Bless all my friends with the sincerest health & wealth for them and their families. Amin Ya Rabbal Allamin~

Mummy & papa; I Love you with every beat of my heart.

Brother, Sister In Law, Lil Sisters and Lil DQ; I Love you coz I've got no other.

Families and Friends; I Love You More than you know it too.

Till my next blog, take care guys! *muacks*

sweet revengeful scorpio unravelled @ 9:42 PM

Monday, November 17, 2008

*Peace be Upon You*

Dear Readers,

It's Monday yet again and gosh... What was I thinking early this morning?! I got up from bed and realized that it's 10mins to 7am! Rush to the toilet... Grab my attire and suddenly i was dead struck! I've forgotten that I did NOT prepare my tops the night before which i was supposed to, instead I went to do my nails and totally forgot about it... Goodness! Thus I grab a blue top, iron them and off to my room, grab my bag and off to werk!

I reached office like 5mins before 8am, didn't have time to do my coffee, start my PC, emails, and wahhlahhh.... A WHOLE LOAD OF THINGS TO CLEAR! I shouldn't have worn BLUE! It's kindda like a jinx! Hahaha! Anyhoe, whatever colors i'll be wearing, this place is still a TOTAL MADNESS! Brain freeze is no longer an unknown factor! Migraine pills are like candy to me! Hahaha!

My right eye lid has been twitching since morning! I am not particularly a believer for those eye twitching myths but I do pray that it's nothing but a good sign coming along my way... Anyway, I hope that more good things are coming up day by day! Insya Allah.

I'm practically smiling right now coz I have family and friends love and bless.
I'm practically crying deep within coz sometimes I felt like i'm a lost soul, losing my phrases.
I'm practically laughing coz the moments are felt with jokes & unforseen circumstances.
I'm practically chillin' coz i know there's more dramas to come and i'm game for it.
And I'm practically being quiet off late, coz I couldn't be bothered less.

Well, some might say that I may be a confused child for now! But again, I'm the author for my life's journey. I need no illustrators to complete my life's dictionary! Thank You.

Till den, I LOVE YOU!
The One and Only Pictures, Images and Photos

Sayings Pictures, Images and Photos

sweet revengeful scorpio unravelled @ 1:41 PM


NaMe DeRiVed FrOm An ArABiC OrIGin MeaNinG
"LiGht Of The HiDDeN CHasiTy"
BoRn On Da 26th day of OcToBeR
ProuD to InHeRiT JaaFaR's TraiD
BorN a ScorPio[n]


- the goth culture
- black clothing
- melodic death cds
- soul chIld
- fishnet stockings
- poetry
-LyRiCaLLy RhyMinG GesTure


- olympus, iXus digicam
- new boots
- trip to paris
- new hairdo
- AdVenTureS in Da DaRk




*futuristic slayer
*diamond princess
*Imran Ajmain
*Sis-Linda & Abg HaiRuL
* Sis-Suriana
* TyRa
* BaBY- FarHn
* Alin-YuzZ
*MiNe-O-MiNe MulTiplY


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